broad bean

[brɔ:d bi:n]
  • 释义
  • 蚕豆;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Is the orchid bean a broad bean?

    兰花豆是蚕豆 吗 ?

  • 2、

    Which broad bean grows into a new plant after a few days?


  • 3、

    Food crops are mainly wheat, highland barley, broad bean, red bean, potato and so on.

    粮食作物主要有小麦 、 青稞 、 蚕豆 、 小豆 、 洋芋等.

  • 4、

    This the effects which influenced the soakage of broad bean, and offered the suitable soaking technology.


  • 5、

    Stem blight of broad bean is an important disease in Yunnan Province.


  • 6、

    Shanghai snack: Yangcheng lake crab, Dumplings, Dired duck doze and Broad bean.

    上海的小吃: 阳澄湖蟹, 小笼包, 鸭盹干,蚕豆.

  • 7、

    The main crops are wheat, broad bean, potato, native products have bracken, Wolong top.

    主要农作物有小麦 、 蚕豆 、 洋芋, 土特产有蕨菜 、 卧龙头等.

  • 8、

    Watch carefully to see how the broad bean grows into a new plant.


  • 9、

    The spiced Broad Bean of Old City Temple is famous in great Shanghai.


  • 10、

    Abstract: The bacterial stem blight is one of the important diseases on broad bean.

    文摘: 蚕豆细菌性茎疫病是蚕豆上的重要病害之一.

  • 11、

    Miscellaneous grains series are: yellow beans, black beans, Bean, bean, broad bean, and so on.

    杂粮系列主要有: 黄大豆 、 黑大豆 、 红小豆 、 绿豆 、 蚕豆等.

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